About me

Gregor K. Steinmaurer is a passionate therapist, coach and teacher of embodied Spirituality. His way of working is a unique combination of professionalism and clarity with deep insight, friendliness and humor.

Based in Austria and living part-time in Berlin, he is teaching and giving workshops internationally, having worked with hundreds of people in different countries and continents for more than 15 years. The work is culmination of many years of deep inner work and trainings in different areas of human development. What makes his work very alive and deeply touching for people is the absolute passion and trust he shares for human beings, for life and for a conscious way of living. He is collaborating with teams and other projects, and also leads longer retreats with Komala de Amorim.

Gregor is closely collaborating with Mobius Executive Leadership and other Partners and serves as Senior Transformational Faculty in Executive Coaching and as Faculty on Transformational Leadership Immersions.

Professional Background

I am systemic therapist (Dipl. LSB), with a Master Degree (MSc) in Counselling Psychology (University of Graz), Traumatherapist (SE & NARM), Coach and Group Leader. I live currently in Austria and Berlin, where I am working in private practice and I teach workshops and trainings internationally since more than 15 years.

I am trained and work with a variety of methods and teachings:

  • Systemic Therapy and Counselling

  • Master Degree (MSc) in Counselling Psychology (University of Graz, Austria)

  • Somatic Experiencing® (Traumahealing)

  • NARM – Working with developmental Trauma (currently in training under supervision)

  • NLP

  • Systemic Constellations (Institute Apsys, and others)

  • Primal Therapy and Childhood Deconditioning

  • Zen Counselling and Gestalt

  • Tibetan Pulsing Healing

  • Energy Reading

  • Transparent Communication (Thomas Hübl)

  • Awareness Intensives

  • Tibetan Pulsing Healing

  • Bodywork and Craniosacral Therapy

  • Various Postgraduate Trainings in SE – Marianne Bentzen (Neuroaffective Therapy), Maggie Phillips (Ego State Therapy), Maggie Kline (Traumawork for Children)

I continuously keep learning and receiving supervision from my teachers and mentors.

My work is focused on an integral development, bridging therapeutic modalities with the timeless wisdom of mysticism and meditation for an embodied and modern Spirituality.

Since more than 20 years I am on an intense exploration and practice of different spiritual traditions, as well as Psychotherapy and Group Dynamics. I have been practicing meditation, various forms of Martial Arts and Dance since more than 20 years.
A growing interest and passion is participating in projects and research groups that explore the potential movement from individual process work to more collective healing oriented processes. Exploring and working with collective fields and themes on the intersection of traumatherapy, mysticism and other forms of collective development, is what I believe will be the next steps both in therapy and spirituality.
I am a senior assistant and lecturer in the Academy of Inner Science, founded by Thomas Hübl, and the Pocket Project, a non-profit organization to raise awareness and support integration for transgenerational and collective Trauma in the world.

About my own path

Already as a child I always found myself pondering about the big questions of life, and this kept growing stronger as I grew up. Through various life circumstances I came in contact with therapy and alternative healing methods in young age.
While studying history and philosophy at the University of Vienna, I started to intensify again my search for a deeper meaning. I came into contact with Yoga, Meditation and eventually a mystery school based on the teachings of the Indian mystic Osho. This ignited my inner fire when I experienced what it means to live life fully and finally I knew why I am here.

This brought me first to India to study meditation, while I also began trainings in various therapeutic methods and modalities. Since more than 15 years now I am working with people, and I have found my creativity, inspiration and contribution there. Through the work of Ken Wilber and other evolutionary spiritual thinkers I reconnected with my original love for Philosophy and deep thought, but this time in a fully embodied and connected way. Since many years now I am studying contemporary mysticism with my teacher Thomas Hübl, and I am engaged in various projects concerning the exploration of collective healing.
I am deeply grateful for all the teachers and mentors that guided me on my way. I am also indebted to so many friends and colleagues from all the different circles for the many hours of passionate debates, crazy thoughts, deep sharing and mutual inquiry, and especially for all the love, laughter and dance together!

The work I am doing now with people in sessions, groups, longer trainings or just short meetings is now my profession, passion, research field and simultaneously a big master teacher. It is something where I continuously discover myself new, where I learn about myself, other people and life, and the place where I feel the most at home – in the shared humanity of our visions and our difficulties, and the devotion to the bigger movement of consciousness that is happening through all of us. Here is where I feel my most direct contribution to life and evolution, and I am grateful for that.